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NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil & Gas

Audience :

EmployerThe NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety benefits oil and gas companies working to international standards who are seeking to implement effective safety and process safety management across all areas of their operation.
It is used effectively by many in the industry to improve the health and safety skills and knowledge of managers, supervisors and health and safety advisors, in order to gain sustainable health and safety improvements. Quite simply, the International Oil and Gas Certificate is a qualification that should lead to safer workplaces.
People who hold this qualification understand their responsibilities and how to reduce potentially damaging incidents that can lead to loss of life, injury and loss of reputation, wherever they are operating in the world.
NEBOSH qualifications are held in high esteem throughout the world. Employing people who hold a NEBOSH qualification demonstrates a commitment to health and safety and an assurance to others. It can even help you achieve recognised standards and win new business.
It is based around international standards and best practice recommendations.
This qualification is for those working in the oil and gas (or related) industries, who need to gain a sound understanding of the principles of operational health and safety that apply in their specialist area.
For some, the International Oil and Gas Certificate can be an important step towards establishing a lifelong professional career in occupational health and safety. Some who take their International Oil and Gas Certificate progress on to one of our Diploma level qualifications.
NEBOSH strongly recommend that you should already have an underpinning knowledge of health and safety issues prior to taking the course equivalent to the NEBOSH International or National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety.



Outline :

The one day NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation covers the following topics:

  • Moral, legal and financial arguments for investigations
  • Human and organisational factors that can contribute to an incident
  • The process for investigating incidents
  • Positive interview strategies and the barriers to successful interviews

Attending the course will enable you to:

  • Independently investigate simple incidents
  • Gather evidence including conducting witness interviews
  • Produce an action plan to prevent a recurrence of an incident
  • Contribute to team investigations for large scale incidents
  • Positively impact the safety culture in your organisation

Entry :

There are no entry requirements for this qualification, but’ it is recommended that learners should already have an underpinning knowledge of health and safety issues, and many will have gained another NEBOSH qualification.
It is also important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.
NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.
For further information please see the latest version of the IELTS Handbook or consult the IELTS website.
Learners wishing to assess their own language expertise may consult the FAQs on the IELTS website for information on taking the test.
Exemptions: No exemptions are allowed for Unit INV1.



Accreditation :

In the UK – and, increasingly, worldwide – regulatory accreditation is recognised as a badge of quality, allowing our qualifications to retain their highly regarded professional status. UK accredited qualifications provide you with certain guarantees that the qualification:

  • Meets specific quality criteria that ensure it is fit for its purpose
  • Includes relevant content
  • Uses appropriate assessment methodology
  • Is mapped to relevant National Occupational Standards (NOS)
  • Is supported by relevant stakeholders including employers

The NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety has been accredited and credit rated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Accreditation. It sits in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) at SCQF Level 6 with 17 SCQF credit points. SCQF Level 6 is comparable to RQF/CQFW Level 3 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. See the Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries chart issued by the UK regulators. Where appropriate, the SQA Accreditation logo will appear on certificates awarded for this qualification. The SCQF logo, credit and level information will appear on the unit result notification. Please click here for further information on SCQF credit and levels.

Valued by EmployersNEBOSH qualifications can play an important part in ensuring that the health and safety provision businesses have in place is effective. This may explain why so many organisations choose to include NEBOSH qualifications on their competency matrices. Professional body recognitionHolders of the International Construction Certificate are entitled to:

  • Associate Membership (AIOSH) of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). The qualification also meets the academic requirements for Technical Membership (Tech IOSH) of IOSH.
  • Associate Membership (AIIRSM) of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM).
  • Satisfies the requirements for Construction Safety Associate membership (AaPS) of the Association for Project Safety (APS).
  • Counts as a significant contribution towards the points required for Registered Membership (RMaPS) of the Association for Project Safety (APS).

Exams :

It is a one day course which involves a practical assessment at the end of the course.



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    London City, England 12568

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